Customized ADHD & Executive Function Skills Coaching

Enneagram Coaching for Individuals, Couples, & Teams

Mind Body Bridging Coaching

Specializing in ADHD and Executive Function skills coaching, personalized Enneagram coaching, & Mind Body Bridging coaching.

Beth Burgess

ADHD & Executive Function Coach

Mind Body Bridging Coach

Enneagram Coach

It starts with YOU!

Our work together starts with YOU, the client! Whether you are here for Executive Function / ADHD coaching, Mind Body Bridging coaching, or Enneagram coaching you are in the driver’s seat. You will quickly find that we work in a “no shame space” where you decide the goals and skills that you want to work on. We start with your strengths and build upon them. Our goal is to come alongside clients to support them in their journey to have the life they dream of. We are client-driven and begin with the client setting their goals, identifying strengths already in place, and work towards small wins. Together we build on that momentum, adding skills if needed, to achieve those larger goals. We start small, but soon you will see the change you want to make in your life!

What is ADHD & Executive Function Coaching?

For some with neurodiversity such as ADHD, anxiety and depression, or autism, Executive Function (EF) skills are harder to develop. For others, coming out of covid and online learning, EF skills are delayed.

Executive Function (EF) refers to the cognitive processes that are governed by the frontal lobe of our brain. This plays an important role in our ability to organize and process information, manage our time, plan ahead, organize our lives, regulate our moods, and understand our motivation to start and complete tasks.

If you are struggling with motivation, organization, and time management perhaps ADHD & Executive Function coaching might benefit you.

Custom made Coaching Beth Burgess Nikki Davidson Enneagram coaching

What is Enneagram Coaching?

Personal enneagram coaching is a tool to engage in personal and professional growth, spiritual formation, and gain a better understanding of yourself and others.

Discover the “why?” behind what you think, feel, and do, and understand what your pitfalls and blindspots are. Recognize when your thoughts and habits trap you in unhealthy patterns. Unlock new ways of engaging with yourself and those around you to achieve your goals and experience greater fulfillment.

What is Mind Body Bridging?

Life can be pretty tricky sometimes and we can get stuck in mental and emotional replays that tell us we are broken, the world is broken, and other people are messed up. Mind Body Bridging is a coaching modality that helps the client take a fresh look at underlying beliefs, what our requirements for our lives are, what stories we tell ourselves, and the ways we try to fix our problems that don’t always work well.

This fresh look through Mind Body Bridging awareness helps clients to better understand why they are experiencing stress, anxiety, PTSD, and/or depression and gives them practical tools to move forward in every day life. MBB can be practiced in the coaching environment and is a great partner with therapy.

Why coaching?

Executive Function / ADHD Coaching, Enneagram Coaching, and Mind Body Bridging are all centered around personal growth and self-awareness. Custom Made Coaching believes that every person has gifts and strengths and we all have the ability to learn, grow and achieve our goals.

As coaches, our role is to partner with you to engage in a process that encourages maximum growth and potential. Together we create a plan for increased personal awareness, greater understanding of others, strategies for growth, access to additional skills, and a customized action plan that will propel you forward toward your personal, academic, or professional goals.

Enneagram Coaching Approach

As Certified Enneagram Coaches, we are dedicated to helping you to understand and have compassion for yourself and others. We believe that you are not a label or a box to be put in, rather you are uniquely created for a purpose.

Through individualized coaching you will receive new insights into your core motivations and fears, a better understanding of the why behind your interactions with others, and experience personal, relational, and professional growth.

Our team workshops help increase understanding, communication, and productivity through a combination of individual and team coaching.

Let us help you experience life-changing growth in your life, work, and relationships!


Executive Functioning & ADHD Coaching Approach

Our Executive Function & ADHD Coaches are trained to help design customized strategies to develop Executive Function skills and manage ADHD symptoms to meet your unique needs.

Whether you need support developing skills around time management, organizational skills, motivation and work completion, cognitive flexibility, or emotional regulation we are here to help.

Working together we will help you to carry out practical daily activities that allows you to experience the success you’ve always wanted.


Mind Body Bridging Coaching Approach

As Mind Body Bridging coaches we integrate the practices of MBB into our coaching sessions. Here we practice MBB in order to bring clarity and understanding to the Requirements we have for ourselves, others, and the world. Learn about when those Requirements are violated how they weave negative Storylines. And how those Storylines drive us to both the healthy and unhealthy ways we try to fix ourselves. Through the lens of MBB we can better set goals, understand our motivations, and move forward with our lives in a healthier way.


  • Enneagram Coaching Custom Made Coaching individualized family couple


    Whether you are seeking ADHD & Executive Function Coaching, Mind Body Bridging Coaching or Enneagram Coaching we are here to help you reach your personal, educational, or professional goals.

  • Team building workshops enneagram

    Team Building

    Using the Enneagram we design practical team building workshops to increase collaboration, empower members, build rapport, and reduce conflict.

  • Classes enneagram organization team


    We hold online or in-person classes on understanding ADHD & Executive Function for parents, educators, and students. We also hold online or in-person classes for your organization or team to learn more about the Enneagram and how to apply it at work and in every day life.


“While listening to my college student work through a problem, she referenced her conversations with Beth and the strategies they’d talked about. I’m so grateful to have a trusted voice speaking into my daughter’s life. Beth helps my daughter engage her strengths to problem solve when her anxiety show up.”


“I was grateful to participate in a 6-week Enneagram study with Beth. She provided a lot of useful information that helped me understand the model and my particular style. Her questions helped me dig deeper, in an affirming and non-judgmental manner. She helped me see the how I can bring out the best in myself and others.”


“I would highly recommend Beth’s coaching sessions! Beth has a very personable style and she’s very wise and intuitive and knows how to ask questions to get you to understand yourself better. She is extremely knowledgeable about the Enneagram and will lead you through a journey of understanding about yourself and others. Through the class, I have a better understanding of what motivates my behaviors and how that ultimately affects how I move through this world.”


If you’re interested in the Enneagram I hope you spend time with Beth. Her curiosity and care is layered with depth of knowledge. Her questions gently guide you to see yourself more fully, as well as those you’re in relationship with. I grow in health every time we meet.




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