Mind Body Bridging Coaching

Why consider MBB coaching?

Once learning MBB, the client can use these tools on their own to manage their expectations and come up with their own solutions for the obstacles that are in their way of achieving their goals. MBB is also successfully practiced to help manage anxiety, depression, PTSD, anger, and many other issues holding us back from achieving the life we want to live. I am a MBB Coach and not a therapist. MBB coaching is an excellent practice in conjunction with working with a mental health professional.

Mind Body Bridging is a useful coaching tool that helps clients understand what Requirements they have for themselves, others, and the world. What happens when those are violated. How these inform the negative Storylines we tell ourselves, and how we try to use Fixers that are not always productive at solving our problems.

This process includes learning how to map out a Troubling Situation, defuse our activated mind body state, and understand how our negative Storylines and Fixers may bring us temporary relief, but do not ultimately get us were we want to go.