ADHD & Executive Function Coaching

We meet our clients exactly where they are at, and ask what we can do to support you to reach your goals. YOU, the client, decide what we work on and where you want to go. We approach all our coaching through the lens of a strengths based model and how we can build on those skills and strategies. In addition, we look for opportunities to add skills or strategies, as needed, to help fill in any gaps. We believe every client has the ability to meet their goals, and with a little support from a coach we can fast track that growth. We believe in providing a “no shame” approach to EF and ADHD coaching, and work with our clients to provide a safe place to try new things. We really do employ a “Custom Made” approach to your coaching.

What makes a good Executive Function-ADHD Coach?

How Does ADHD & Executive Function Coaching Work?

FAQs From Clients

What is Executive Function and ADHD Coaching?

An ADHD and Executive Functions coach provides accountability, guidance, valuable insights, and practical strategies to alleviate the functional impairments associated with ADHD and Executive Function challenges. They serve as a valuable resource for establishing and accomplishing goals, while also identifying effective strategies that can be applied across various situations.

What does the typical coaching process look like?

First, we start with a FREE 30 minute consultation. Here you can ask questions, explore what coaching might look like and we can see if we are a good fit. Next, we have an Intake Session where we establish that the student is the client and we get to see what they would like to work on. We ask some questions about what is going well and what is tricky. We learn more about how you process information and what strategies are working well, and from there we create a coaching contract. Then we begin our coaching sessions, and here is where the fun begins! We start with strengths and establish a no shame, safe environment where you can explore tackling some of those goals. When there is a need for strategies and skills, our coaches fill in those gaps. We make recommendations but all of our coaching sessions are client driven and they choose the strategies that work for them. We celebrate wins, big and small, and together create a personalized tool kit students can take into other areas of their lives.

What makes you different from a tutor?

We love partnering with tutors but coaching is completely different. Tutors help students with specific academic subjects while coaches help students or clients with areas of their life that have become tricky. As coaches we work with you to identify areas you want to address, and then together identify strategies to try. A tutor may work on homework with a student, while an Executive Function/ADHD coach helps the student create the system to remember to turn in their homework

Will there be additional “homework” with your coaching?

NO! We find that our clients don’t need one more “to do” on their lists, so instead we help or clients come up with strategies to accomplish their goals. This is client led, with support from the coach. If the client decides to employ a strategy that requires outside work, that is decided by the client and supported by the coach.

My parents want me to go to an EF/ADHD coach but I don’t know if I want to. Why should I try?

Sometimes it’s hard to imagine adding one more thing to your plate, and if you have struggled in school, with a job, or personally it may feel like one more thing to fail at. Here’s the good news…we start small and build upon the strengths you already have. We identify small wins that later build pathways to bigger wins. We don’t judge, shame, or lay on expectations that are hard to meet. YOU are the client, not your parents, and if you want to stop coaching at any time you may. Try our FREE initial consultation and learn more.

I am the parent/guardian, where do I fit in to this process?

You are an IMPORTANT part of your student’s support system. You know your child or student best but perhaps this world of ADHD or Executive Function challenges is new to you. At Custom Made Coaching when you sign up for our 10 session package you will have an exclusive parent session to ask specific questions and learn more about how you can support your student towards greater autonomy and success.