Customized Coaching to Meet Your Needs

ADHD & Executive Function Coaching Services




Online or in-person, we specialize in ADHD and Executive Function coaching. We coach from a strengths based model supporting our clients with ADHD symptoms and developing Executive Function skills.

Initial Consultation | FREE - 30 min.

12 Customized Coaching Sessions - Youth | 2,500.00

Intake, 12 Sessions, Parent Session, Weekly Accountability, ADHD or Executive Functions Toolkit

Monthly Billing Available

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12 Customized Coaching Sessions - Adult | 2,500.00

Intake, 12 Sessions, Weekly Accountability, Office Hours, Customized Life Skills Toolkit

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Monthly Billing Available



FREE ADHD Workshops & Seminars

Sign up on our website to gain access to our free workshops and seminars.

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Parent & Family

ADHD & Executive Function Coaching

Do you ever wish you had someone to bounce ideas off of? Someone who might understand the unique way your child (or your own) brain works? Do you ever think it would be helpful to have some specific strategies to help make the family function better? Parent & Family Coaching might be right for you!

Initial Consultation I FREE - 30 min.

Intake, 6 Sessions, Customized Family Toolkit - 900.00

Monthly Billing Available

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Mind Body Bridging Coaching




Online or in-person, support each client in Mind Body Bridging. We coach using MBB as a way to better understand how we have requirements of ourselves and others, how we weave negative thoughts and storylines and the ways these limit our ability solve our own problems.

Initial Consultation | FREE - 30 min.

Discounted 8 MBB Sessions - 900.00

Individual MBB Sessions - 125.00 each

Monthly Billing Available


Enneagram Services



Individual, Couple, Family

Online or in-person, together we will explore all aspects of the enneagram regarding your type, and tailor your sessions to your personal, spiritual, and professional goals.

Initial Consultation | FREE

Individual Sessions | $125 | Get started

Couple Sessions | $175 | Get started

Discounted packages available

Individual 6 Sessions | $650 | Get started

Couple 6 Sessions | $900 | Get started


Team Building Workshops

Practical team building training to increase collaboration, empower members, build rapport, and reduce conflict. In addition we will look at what motivates each person on your team, leadership & management styles, conflict & triggers, as well as giving and receiving feedback.

Let’s connect and start building your customized workshop.

Let’s connect & build your workshop today | Get started



Teams and Organizations

Working together we will customize the class for your team or business. We will cover topics such as an Enneagram Overview, Get To Know Your Type, Wings, Subtypes, Blindspots & Triggers, Defense Mechanisms & Comfort Zones, Moving Towards Growth, Communication Strategies and more.

Let’s connect and start building your customized class today.

Let’s connect & build your class today | Get started

“I never realized the motivations behind some of my behaviors. With the help of Custom Made Coaching I am more aware of my triggers and how to better communicate with my co-workers.”