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All coaches are independent contractors but enjoy working together.



Beth Burgess

With my background in education, I am deeply passionate about empowering individuals to unlock their fullest potential. In my role as an ADHD & Executive Functions coach, I firmly believe that everyone has the capacity to achieve their goals with the right guidance, motivation, and coaching. Together, we delve into the aspects of your Executive Function that are thriving and identify areas that could benefit from support and strategic approaches. Whether it's enhancing task initiation, mastering time management, completing work efficiently, or addressing other challenges related to ADHD and EF, coaching is a valuable resource to help you realize your aspirations, both academically and in your personal and professional endeavors.

Over five years ago, I was introduced to the enneagram. As I delved into its teachings, I discovered a profound sense of freedom and compassion, both for myself and others. Motivated by this transformative experience, I pursued certification as an enneagram coach. My aim is to assist others in exploring their motivations, unraveling the intricacies of their actions, and fostering a deeper understanding of the "why" behind their behaviors. Through asking insightful questions, providing empowering tools, and celebrating moments of growth and achievement, I strive to be a catalyst for positive transformation in your journey.

Let’s connect and see if I might be able to support you in your personal, educational, or professional goals.



Nikki Davidson

I was first exposed to the Enneagram 25 years ago and became a certified coach because I wanted to help people embrace a more fulfilling life and overcome longstanding negative patterns. My career has been in the nonprofit and small business consulting spaces and it is thrilling to see how the Enneagram enhances all areas of project management and small business consulting. I am grateful every day for the opportunity to help people “come alive to themselves” as they better understand how they move through the world, relate with others, and make decisions.  My goal is to equip each client with a foundation of tools to address specific frustrations and enjoy a lifelong journey of Enneagram learning and personal discovery. 





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